sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011


           Minha jardineira recebeu uma ilustre visita: uma joaninha! Ela passeou pela ixória, parou, e observou a cor vermelha parecida com a dela. "Só faltam as bolinhas pretas",  ela pensou ( eu acho). Olhe como ela ficou admirada ao ver a ixória amarela. O mundo não é feito apenas de vermelho e preto dona joaninha!

(Isaías 40:8) -  Seca-se a erva, e cai a flor, porém a palavra de nosso Deus subsiste eternamente.
                   Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1      

6 comentários:

  1. Beautiful blooms and a wonderful capture of the ladybug!
    Carletta's Captures

  2. How sweet! Lovely series of photos with the ladybug on this beautiful flower.

  3. I love lady bugs!!
    Thank you for posting f your beautiful flowers pictures.
    Please take the time to walk with me through our Toronto Botanical Garden.
    I am sure will enjoy my pictures as well.

  4. Miriam Luiza, What fun to watch a little creature that the Lord has made!! the colors are so vibrant! You must be enjoying spring now!! Thank you for visiting me. I pray you are strong in the Lord and growing in the Word!! How is your Bible study coming (what book of the Bible are you studying)?

  5. These photos and flowers are very beautiful. The beetle is wonderful.


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